Pedicure-podiatry office visits

July 21, 2024
Les visites confraternelles de cabinet en pédicurie-podologie
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The fraternal office visits are an initiative of the National Order of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (ONPP) aimed at ensuring that offices comply with legal and ethical standards. These visits promote the quality and safety of care, while providing valuable support to practitioners.

Objectives of fraternal visits

  • Compliance Audit : Ensure that firm facilities and practices meet legal and ethical requirements.
  • Continuous improvement : Propose recommendations to optimize practices and facilities.
  • Professional support : Helping practitioners comply with new standards and recommendations.

Visits process

  1. Visit decision : The visit is decided by the Council, often motivated by reports or requests for advice.
  2. Contact : An ordinal advisor contacts the practitioner to arrange a date for the visit. No surprise checks are made.
  3. On-site visit : A pair of advisors conducts the visit using a pre-established questionnaire. The visit lasts approximately one and a half hours.
  4. Report writing : A report is written after the visit, detailing the points of compliance and recommendations.
  5. Notification and monitoring : In the event of non-compliance, a deadline for compliance is given. The obligations and consequences of non-compliance are clearly communicated.

Consequences of refusal or non-compliance

Refusing a visit or failing to comply with standards may result in disciplinary action. In the event of serious breaches, a report may be made to the Regional Health Agency (ARS). These measures are essential to ensure that all practices provide safe and high-quality care.

Preparation for the visit

  • Documentation : Prepare all necessary documents, such as health permits, hygiene certificates, and continuing education records.
  • Inventory : Ensure that the office is clean, well organized and that all equipment is functional and compliant with standards.
  • Staff informed : Inform staff of the visit and the points that will be checked, including hygiene and safety procedures.

Post-visit follow-up

After the visit, the report sent contains clear recommendations. Practitioners must meet the obligations within the given time limits. In case of difficulty in complying, it is advisable to contact the ONPP for support.

ONPP peer visits are essential to ensure the quality and safety of care in chiropodists and podiatrists. They provide valuable support to practitioners, while ensuring compliance with ethical and legal standards. By following recommendations and maintaining high standards, professionals can provide quality care to their patients.

For more information, you can consult the ONPP websitehere .

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